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Admission Information

All applications for admission are to be made on prescribed form (enclosed with prospectus). The application form duly filled in must be submitted along with birth certificate on the prescribed date except for nursery class. No student will be admitted unless the transfer certificate and marksheet from the previous school is produced.

Nursery, L.K.G & U.K.G

For playgroup & nursery class child should be of 3+ age for Nursery, 4+ age for L.K.G and 5+ age for U.K.G as on 1st April of the year the admission is sought. Admission will be on first come first serve basis. Priority will be given to students residing near by the school. Birth certificate is strictly required.

Class I to V

Child should be of 5/6+ age for class I, as on 1st April of the year the admission is sought. The marksheet and transfer certificate of the previous school are required from class Nursery onwards. Admission depends on interaction with the child for class I and from class II onwards admission will depend on a written test followed by an interview. For classes, II onwards students will have to submit his Nursery mark sheet with transfer certificate of the previous school. Admission will depend on a written test followed by an interview.

Subject Taught
: English, Hindi, Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Social Studies, Computers
General Knowledge, Art, Music. Dance, Games and Heritage Study.

The academic programme is designed to develop formal study skills and strong work habits since the demands of an external examination are more immediate. Classroom technique like pair and group work, and role play are used to develop communication skills.

Subject Taught :
English, Hindi Sanskrit Computers, Mathematics, Social Studies, General Science and Physical Education.

Subject Taught :
English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Social Studies, General Science,Computer and Physical Education, Rajasthan Adhyayan.

Senior School: Classes Xl and XII

The academic programme concentrates on providing a specialized educational experience in a nurturing and challenging scholastic environment. In addition to compulsory English, Hindi, students have to choose three elective subjects from the stream they take.

: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics. Commerce: Accounts, Business Studies, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Economics. The study is also mandatory for all.


Art & CraftArt & Craft
 Physical Education


EnglishEnglishEnglish CompulsoryEnglish Compulsory
ScienceScienceSanskrit LiteratureSanskrit Literature
MathsMathsHindi CompulsoryHindi Compulsory
Social ScienceSocial ScienceEnglish LiteratureEnglish Literature
Sanskrit/Urdu/SindhiSanskrit/Urdu/SindhiPhysical Science / Business Studies / Political StudiesPhysical Science / Business Studies / Political Studies
Suchna Prodhogki Ki Avdharnaye IConcepts of Information TechnologyAgricultural Science / Home Science / AccountancyAgricultural Science / Home Science / Accountancy
Rajasthan Ka Sawtantrata Aandolan avm Shorya ParamparaRajasthan Ka Sawtantrata Aandolan avm Shorya Parampara  
Physical & Health EducationPhysical & Health EducationBiology / Agricultural Biology / HistoryBiology / Agricultural Biology / History
  Chemistry / Agricultural Chemicals / EconomicsChemistry / Agricultural Chemicals / Economics
  Hindi Literature Hindi Literature 
  Golden India after independence IGolden India after independence II

Admission as per RTE Act

For the entry-level class 1st, the school completely abides by the norms defined by the government i.e. RTE and keeps a reservation quota of 25% seats in nursery & I class.

The school does not provide hostel facilities to the students. Any other hostels which are run in the neighboring areas have no connection with the school. Admission is granted to all boys & girls irrespective of caste, creed or social status, provided there is a vacancy in a particular class. Prospectus containing Application Cum Registration Form is available from the NJPS reception counter. Registration fee is not refundable and registration is not a guaranteed admission.

Admission of a child to NJPS will mean complete acceptance of all the School rules in force and amendments time to time.

Admission in Nursery, L.K.G., U.K.G. and I levels are based on interactions with the candidate’s parents / guardians. For admission into Std. II & above,

the candidates will have to appear in an Entrance Exam. in Hindi, English & Mathematics followed by the interview. Parents / Guardians will be required to deposit the fee along with necessary certificates and photographs within 3 days of admission allowed, failing which the school will have right to cancel the provisional admission and may grant the admission to the next waiting applicant.

Register for Admission